Q. What is the difference between 'Foresight' and 'Strategic Foresight'?
A. Foresight is the ability to think about some time in the future. Most people have this ability but tend not to think about the future in a deliberate and in-depth way. Strategic Foresight is a consicous and deliberate approach to attempting to learn about, consider and explore potential future developments, in the light of a specific context and then questioning our assumptions and expectations to see if they are valid and realistic
Q. What are Human Values?
A. Human Values are those inherent perspectives of the world that drive our behaviours. The issue of right and wrong or acceptable behaviour varies considerably depending on which 'Values lens' you are looking through. Our work with the Human Values approach is informed by training with the National Values Centre in the USA and is based on the Spiral Dynamics model. We've introduced it to some of the largest corporate and government agencies and smaller firms and NGO's in Australia and beyond. There's plenty that has been written about the model and its applications and successes are exceptional
Q. How does your approach to Innovation differ from any others?
A. Good question - we hold a much higher expectation for innovation than many others who see almost any creative endeavour as 'innovative'. Whilst connected, we do not believe that creativity and innovation are the same. Further we help organisations overcome the barriers that prevent them from being more innovative. But first, you have to know how to find those barriers - that's where we come in!
Q. How do we contact you?
A. Glad you asked - via email here or on 613 96 444 588
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Thursday 31 March 2022
One of the great challenges with running any organisation is keeping it on track. Strateic Planning is not about fixed methods - it's about a focus on outcomes
Monday 11 October 2021
Interesting emerging dynamic about to land on the shop fronts of Australian retailers that pose serious risks to their staff. And few retailers are ready
Tuesday 7 September 2021
You'll have seen, heard or read some of my thoughts on the lab grown proteins from firms like #ImpossibleFoods or #BeyondMeat. Now the food we eat is a direct climate change contributor and for anyone in those sectors, you need to play for the change that is most definitely coming