Advanced Strategic Thinking & Quality Facilitation
Steve Bowman
Steve is one of Australia's leading Governance and Senior Executive Team specialists, having previously held positions as National Executive Director of the Australasian Institute of Banking and Finance, Australian Society of Corporate Treasurers, General Manager of ExpoHire (Australia) Pty Ltd, Assistant Director of CPA Australia and Director of the American College of Health Care Administrators, He is a past President of the Australian Society of Association Executives, and has held numerous other Board positions.
He has consulted on strategic planning and implementation to a wide range of commercial, professional, philanthropic and charitable organisations, and has authored or co-authored over 14 books on Governance and Executive Leadership. He was the founder and Associate Program Director of the Certificate and Advanced Certificate in Association Management at MonashMtElizaBusinessSchool for 11 years. He currently works with over 1,000 organisations each year in Australia, New Zealand and Asia in Governance, Strategy, Executive Leadership and Consciousness at work.
Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology) La Trobe Uni. Melbourne
Graduate Diploma of Communication Disorders La Trobe Uni. Melbourne
Master of Arts (Speech Pathology) George Washington Uni Washington DC
Master of Association Management George Washington Uni Washington DC
Certificate in Association Management Mt Eliza Business School
Advanced Certificate in Association Management Mt Eliza Business School
Professional Memberships
Fellow - Australian Institute of Company Directors
Fellow - Corporate Law and Accountability Research Group, Monash University
Maree Conway
Maree Conway runs University Futures, a futures focused website that aims to support and provide resources for strategists and university planners who are interested in using futures approaches in their work.
Previous Director of the Foresight, Planning & Review (FPR) - Swinburne University's (SUT) Strategic Planning and Reporting unit and General Manager at Victoria University's (VU) Quality, Information and Planning unit, Maree is also a past president of ATEM, the Association for Tertiary Education Management, Australia's lead agency for professional management staff in the University Sector
Maree has worked for over twenty years in policy, planning and strategy roles in tertiary institutions. Since 1999, Maree has facilitated internal futures and scenario planning workshops at SUT and VU as well as co facilitating scenario planning for additional Government agencies. Her understanding of Strategic Planning frameworks and management structures is second to none in Australia
Bachelor of Arts, Griffith University;
Masters in Educational Administration (Honours), University of New England;
Completing a Masters in Strategic Foresight at SUTMarcus Barber
Marcus is a Strategic Futurist and one of Australia’s top Value Systems specialists. His skills have been utilised by the likes of Telstra, Victoria Police, Swinburne University, Deakin University, CPA Australia, Gold Coast Water, Fosters Australia, City of Greater Dandenong and DEST among many others.
His articles on Innovation frequently appear in Australia's leading magazine on Innovation - Fast Thinking, and he has had a number of papers published in journals around the worldHe is the facilitator of the strategic futures block at the Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies in Canberra, the premiere management training program for the Department of Defence that brings military personnel from around the globe to a year long residential strategy training program.
Marcus was the co-presenter on the National Geographic Channel’s TV series ‘Future Matters’, is the author of ‘The Money Tree and How to Grow One – Creating Success in Your Business’ and the soon to be completed ‘Killing Trends: the Graceful Art of Innovation'. He is an advisory board member of the Australian Bill of Rights Initiative and is founder of The Australian Strategic Planning Institute
Master of Science, Strategic Foresight; SwinburneUniversity
Master Practitioner Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), International NLP Training Association
Level 1 & Level 2 certification, Spiral Dynamics; National Values Centre USA
Corporate Transformations Certification; National Values Centre USA
Graduate Certificate in Teaching & Learning; SUT (via Napier University, Scotland)
Professional Memberships
Board member of the Futures Foundation
Professional Life Member of the World Futures Society
Fellow of the Australian Sales & Marketing Institute
Companies to help you if we can't -
Advertising & Marketing:
August - (for product launches and web development)
Frontier Media - (for advertising campaigns and media buys)
Selbys - (for advertising banners, marquees and corporate display materials)
Futures Thinking:
Looking Up Feeling Good Pty Ltd - (for advanced organisational strategy and futures consultancy)
Futures Foundation - (for a wide array of articles and thinking about the future)
Meta Futures - (for critical futures thinking)
University Futures - (for futures work in the education sector)
Shaping Tomorrow - (for trends and futures articles & thinking from the UK)
Training Services:
Paramount Training - (for NLP, Spiral Dynamics & Counselling)
(for qualifications in Strategic Foresight)
Of course we are bound to know many others for almost any need you have, no matter where in the world you are. Contact us at our email address Email Looking Up Feeling Good or on 613 96 444 588
Right now you probably sense that we can help you. Our skill sets across industry sectors, our track record and our ability to help companies like yours, to think more effectively and be better prepared as an organisation are exceptional.
What you will get are great results and wonderful value from anything we undertake on your behalf and you'll be glad you engaged us to help you with the challenges you face.
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Thursday 31 March 2022
One of the great challenges with running any organisation is keeping it on track. Strateic Planning is not about fixed methods - it's about a focus on outcomes
Monday 11 October 2021
Interesting emerging dynamic about to land on the shop fronts of Australian retailers that pose serious risks to their staff. And few retailers are ready
Tuesday 7 September 2021
You'll have seen, heard or read some of my thoughts on the lab grown proteins from firms like #ImpossibleFoods or #BeyondMeat. Now the food we eat is a direct climate change contributor and for anyone in those sectors, you need to play for the change that is most definitely coming